imparting life to excel

A place where talent and potentials will be discovered

who we are

Glorious Ministries we focus 

on imparting life, we drive joy when people excel, when talent and potential are been discovered.

our vision

To set the captives free Isaiah 61:14 For all races, ethnic groups, and cultural A place where we raise people with unflinching faith in the power and faithfulness of GodA place where gifts and potentials are recognized.

our objective

1. Worldwide evangelism Matt 28:19
Healing/deliverance ministry Isaiah 53:4
3, Youth/children ministry Proverb 22:6
4. Orphanage ministry James 1:7
5. Intersession ministry Ezekiel 22:30
6. Church planting ministry Matt 22:19
7. Leadership training Ephesians 4:11-16

our commission

HABAKKUK 2:2-3 Every vision is for an appointed time, though it tarries, it will come to pass. The birth of (GMFAN) was on the 17th July 2008 Methodist church building Chat worth Road London E3. Church activities include Songs, praises, prayer and powerful sermon. 

our vision

To set the captives free

Isaiah 61:14 For all races, ethnic groups, and cultural A place where we raise people with unflinching faith in the power and faithfulness of GodA place where gifts and potentials are recognized.

our objective

1. Worldwide evangelism Matt 28:19
Healing/deliverance ministry Isaiah 53:4
3, Youth/children ministry Proverb 22:6
4. Orphanage ministry James 1:7
5. Intersession ministry Ezekiel 22:30
6. Church planting ministry Matt 22:19
7. Leadership training Ephesians 4:11-16

our commission

HABAKKUK 2:2-3 Every vision is for an appointed time, though it tarries, it will come to pass.

The birth of (GMFAN) was on the 17th July 2008 Methodist church building Chat worth Road London E3. Church activities include Songs, praises, prayer and powerful sermon. 

about us

We Intend To help young people advance in life and assist young people through: provision of recreational and leisure time activities;  advancing in life and helping young people to develope their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them participate in the society as independent, mature and responsible individuals advancing education through after school club and mentorship

support our project

help us in the following ways, by sowing a financial seed or gift items to make an impact to the unreached souls around the globe giving millions of people the opportunity to know Christ.

Projects done
100 $
Funds raised
funds raised 63%
funds needed for current project
funds raised 63%

our scope

We are committed towards serving humanity


Every single child is special and unique it is their human right to grow up in s safe nurturing environment. Glorious ministries has been at the fore front of taking care of orphans for years. Please support us in catering for the less privilege children in Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya, with your support but sponsoring these orphans it will help them bloom and give them a better tomorrow. James 1:27


For many years Glorious ministries has been helping the widows in Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda by offering them bags of rice and other material things. You know the challenges of Widows and widowers you can help provide support with something to make them feel cared for either financially or with material things such as clothes, food items, etc.

Our Events

children school project

Every single child is special and unique it is their human right to grow up in s safe nurturing environment.

children school project

Every single child is special and unique it is their human right to grow up in s safe nurturing environment.

children school project

Every single child is special and unique it is their human right to grow up in s safe nurturing environment.